Journal History

• First publish article print.

• Get ISSN 0216-504X (Print).

• Start publishing articles online.



Get ISSN  2620-536X (Online)

• Member of Crossref

Management publishing is full online

Jurnal Info Kesehatan is receiving Indonesian and English article, from all articles that have been accepted published in English since Volume 17 Number 2 Year 2019

• The history of Jurnal Info Kesehatan is as follows (sorted from the latest):

Since Volume Volume 17 Number 2 Year 2019, the article style has been revised in the article submit and article publication template such,  title section, chapter and sub chapter title, references section, and one column. 

Beginning from Volume 17 Number 2 Year 2019 Year 2019, Jurnal Info Kesehatan article style has been revised by adding citation information in articles with APA (American Psychological  Association) 6th Edition format so readers can properly cite the article.

• Accredited Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia [SINTA 3]

Jurnal Info Kesehatan  was established as a National Journal accredited ranked 3 [S3] by RISTEK DIKTI RI, with No. SK : No. 28/E/KPT/2019 ; Title SK: Decision of the Director-General of strengthening research and development of the Republic of Indonesia about the scientific journal Accreditation Stage V year 2019; Date SK: 11 October 2019.


•  (Aug 10, 2020, 9:00 PM) Indexing in DOAJ



• Submit in Scopus on 15 March 2022

• Accredited Ministry of Education, Culture and Technology [SINTA 2]


Jurnal Info Kesehatan  was established as a National Journal accredited ranked 2 [S2] by Ministry of Education, Culture and Technology, with No. SK : 105/E/KPT/2022, ; Title SK: Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia concerning the Accreditation Rating of Scientific Journals for Period 1 of 2022; SK date : 7 April 2022.


• Submit in WOS on  21 July 2022