Bioactive Compounds of the Ethanol Extract of Butterfly Pea Petals (Clitorea ternatea L.) on Gastric Proton Pump: In-Silico Analysis


  • Atik Kurniawati Department of Biology, State University of Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Sri Rahayu Lestari Department of Biology, State University of Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Fatchur Rohman Department of Biology, State University of Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia



Anti-gastritis, Butterfly pea, in-silico


Biodiversity of medicinal plants in Indonesia reflects the potential to be used to treat non-communicable diseases such as cancer. Gastritis is a kind of symptom felt in the stomach which may trigger severe abnormalities leading to a state of cancer. This study aims to determine the potential of bioactive compounds derived from the ethanol extract of butterfly pea petals (Clitoria ternatea L.) as an in-silico anti gastritis drug candidate. This was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The molecular docking method applied specific docking using PLANTS software. The results of molecular docking indicated that there might be similar potential as the control drug in inhibiting the gastric proton pump. Based on the analysis of the LCHRMS results, it was found flavonoid compounds in the extract of butterfly pea petals used for docking analysis. Each flavonoid compound and the docking score from highest to lowest were Rutin (-87.05), Quercetin-3β-D-glucoside (-79.30), Quercetin (-79.28), Kaempferol (-74.80), Trifolin (-74.22), Genistein (-69.70), Kaempferol-3-glucoside-3''rhamnoside (-67.79), Biochanin A(1−) (-67.64), and Mauritianin (-58.26). The flavonoid compound named rutin had the highest docking score above the two control drugs of Omeprazole (-66.27) and Vonoprazan (-84.45). It can be concluded that based on in-silico study, the flavonoid compound of Rutin in the ethanol extract of butterfly pea petals (Clitoria ternatea L.) had the potential to inhibit the gastric proton pump to prevent gastritis. The chemical structure of Rutin differs from the two control drugs because it has a more complex structure consisting of five benzene rings. It is recommended to carry out further dynamic molecular test to find out which flavonoid compounds are the most stable affinity for the target protein. Based on the in-silico test, in vivo and in vitro study should be performed to find out more information about the potential of the flavonoid compounds in butterfly pea extract in inhibiting the action of the gastric proton pump.


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How to Cite

Kurniawati, A., Lestari, S. R., & Rohman, F. (2023). Bioactive Compounds of the Ethanol Extract of Butterfly Pea Petals (Clitorea ternatea L.) on Gastric Proton Pump: In-Silico Analysis. JURNAL INFO KESEHATAN, 21(1), 174–183.



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