Kajian Perilaku Swamedikasi Menggunakan Obat Penggemuk Badan Oleh Pasien Pengunjung Apotek Di Kota Kupang Tahun 2016



Self-medication behavior, Body fat drug, Pharmacy visitor patient


Community efforts to treat themselves are known as self-medication. Self-medication is usually done to treat complaints and minor ailments. The Sudan Journal of Rational Use of Medicine (2014) found 7 categories of drugs most widely used in self-medication, one of which is a body fat drug. Self-medication acts tend to increase. Like whether self-medication behavior uses body fat drug performed by pharmacy visitors in Kupang city? The purpose of this research is to determine the prevalence, behavior, and perception of self-medication patients using body fat drug. This research is a descriptive observational study with the subject inclusion criteria. Pharmacy visitor patients who buy body fat medicine for self-medication. The study was conducted in August - October 2016. Data collection tools were questionnaires with 60 questions covering 37 Likert scale questions distributed in 10 pharmacies. The questionnaire returned was 108. The study of self-medication behavior with prevalence indicators was 48.15% had purchased/used the drug in the past 1 month, 32.41% self-medication for me, 21.30% 2 times/ treatment period, 35.19% used dexamethasone drugs, livron B plex and pronicy. Study with behavioral indicators, as much as 62.04% of respondents knew the body fat drug, 37.96% of respondents got drug information from friends, 45.37% bought at the pharmacy, complaints that were treated were not ideal body weight (thin / bb down) and no appetite, experienced complaints for 1 week -> 20 years, 5.56% do self-medication for reasons that are cost-effective, many friends use and prove and 4.63% faster to obtain at low cost. A study with perception indicators, 75% said it was important to consider the recommendation of the pharmacist, 92.59% of patients wanted the drug to be used safely, 68.52% of respondents did self-medication because they had increased appetite and the body became fat to take the drug. as many as 81.48% of respondents said that the body's fattening drugs can increase appetite.


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How to Cite

Lenggu, M. Y. (2017). Kajian Perilaku Swamedikasi Menggunakan Obat Penggemuk Badan Oleh Pasien Pengunjung Apotek Di Kota Kupang Tahun 2016. JURNAL INFO KESEHATAN, 15(2), 346–366. Retrieved from http://jurnal.poltekkeskupang.ac.id/index.php/infokes/article/view/153



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