Uji Valditas dan Reliabilitas Keseimbangan Dinamis The Timed Up and Go Test pada Pasien Stroke
Reliability, stroke, validity, timed up and goAbstract
Background: Stroke is a brain disease from local and global
nervous function disorders. Strokes appear suddenly,
progressively, and rapidly. Decreased balance results in a high
risk of falling and can be detected using the Timed Up and Go
test (TUG). Objective: This study aims to determine the validity
and reliability of TUG in terms of intra-rater and inter-rater.
This research was carried out at a Government hospital at
Boyolali, Central Java, with a population of 36 chronic stroke
patients. Methods: This study used an observational study
with methodological research. Results: The Cronbach's alpha
of intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of the TUG were more
than 0.9, with both ICC were also more than 0.9. The Pearson
product-moment between tests 1 and 2 revealed a
significantly very high correlation (p<0.001 and r=0.986). The
TUG showed high validity and reliability for intra-rater and
inter-rater for stroke patients to measure dynaimc balance in
stroke patients.
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