Health Behavior of Essential Hypertension Patients in Public Health Center in Waingapu
Health Behaviour, Blood Pressure, Essential hypertensionAbstract
Background: Hypertension is a chronic condition that requires management that can provide long-term effects through lifestyle modification. Lifestyle modification in patients with hypertension can be observed through the health behavior of hypertensive patients. Methods: This study was a descriptive analytic study with a survey method that aimed to determine the health behavior of primary hypertensive patients in the work area of Waingapu Health Center in 2017. This study involved 45 respondents who were taken with simple random sampling technique from a total population of 122 people. Data were collected through questionnaires and then analyzed by descriptive statistical tests. Results: The results of this study were 4 articles found in the database showed that there was an effect of yoga therapy in lowering blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Conclusion: Mature age supported by a high enough education can form a good attitude about hypertension which is then manifested through a healthy behavior.
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