Chemical and Physical Quality Biscuits Substitution Pumpkin and Leaves Katuk
Dependence on wheat flour is very high, so food diversification efforts need to be made to reduce this dependence. Biscuits are a product made from wheat flour as the main ingredient which has the potential to be developed using pumpkin and katuk leaves. The aim of this research was to determine the chemical and physical quality of biscuits substituted for pumpkin and katuk leaves. This research was an experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD), consisting of 3 treatments and 1 standard treatment, with 3 repetitions of each treatment, so there were 12 treatment units. Chemical quality includes energy, carbohydrate content, protein, fat, Fe, calcium, vitamin C, β- carotene, and vitamin A. Physical quality is assessed using diameter, thickness, and spread ratio). Data were analyzed using One Way Anova and Krusskal Tests Wallis. The results of research on the chemical quality of biscuits show that there is a significant effect of the substitution of pumpkin and katuk leaves on the levels of protein, calcium, zinc, Fe, β- carotene, and vitamin C in biscuits. However, for energy, fat and carbohydrate levels decreased as the substitution of pumpkin and katuk leaves increased. The physical quality of biscuits substituted for pumpkin and katuk leaves shows that the diameter and thickness of the biscuits decrease as the percentage of substitutes for pumpkin and katuk leaves increases. This situation causes the value of the spread ratio (spread) is increase. The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant effect of the substitution of pumpkin and katuk leaves in biscuits on the chemical and physical quality of the biscuits.
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