Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL INFO KESEHATAN

					View Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL INFO KESEHATAN
Published: 2023-03-31

Original Articles

  • Side Effect, Husband Support and Level of Knowledge on the Incidence of Contraceptive Acceptors Dropout

    Adriana M.S Boimau, Serlyansie V. Boimau, Norma Tiku Kambuno
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.956
  • Work Fatigue Due to the Use of High Heels on Promotion Girls Workers

    Sunarsieh Sunarsieh, Taufik Anwar, Slamet Wardoyo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.857
  • Implementation of Telemedicine through “Apoteker Keluarga Online” Application as an Effort for Rational Headache Self-Medication

    Devi Ristian Octavia, Primanitha Ria Utami, Irma Susanti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.890
  • The Role of the Family in Preventing the Transmission of COVID-19 in Children

    Fransiskus Salesius Onggang, Aben B.Y.H. Romana, Bringiwatty Batbual
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.1036
  • Qualitative Study and Antioxidant Activity Herbal Tea Bag of Moringa Leaves (Moringa oleifera Lam.) and Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum)

    Priska Ernestina Tenda, Maria Hilaria, Faizal R. Soeharto, Mohd Nadzri Bin Mohd Najib
  • Abdominal Circumference as A Predictor of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Young Women

    Siti Choirul Dwi Astuti, Yohana Putri Apryanti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.878
  • The Effect of Knowledge of Mothers Assisted by Cadres during Pregnancy on the Incidence of Low Birth Weight

    Puspita Sukmawaty Rasyid, Juli Gladis Claudia, Rahma Dewi Agustini, Nurhidayah, Febri Dwi Yanti, Herman Priyono Luawo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.884
  • The Effect of Sombere Education on Stress Levels in Primigravida Pregnant Women

    Jumrah Sudirman, Muhammad Syafar, Elizabet Catherine Jusuf, Rahayu Eryanti K
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.886
  • Compliance Level of PAUD Students in Brushing with the Interactive Calendar Guide

    Dewi Sodja Laela, Raisya Aliyah, Sekar Restuning, Nurul Fatikhah
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.938
  • The Impact of Mental Health on the Job Performance of Medical and Non-Medical Workers

    Rabiya Abdullah, Antono Suryoputro, Mateus Sakundarno Adi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.1109
  • The Density of Aedes aegypti Larvae Density and the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the Pesingahan Environment, Pagesangan Barat Village, Mataram

    Urip Urip, Kurnia Rizki, Erlin Yustin Tatontos, Gunarti Gunarti, Kholik Kholik
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.986
  • Factors Affecting Willingness to Pay for National Health Insurance Program among Informal Workers in Indonesia

    Budi Aji, Siti Masfiah, Siti Harwanti, Nur Ulfah
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.940
  • In Silico Analysis of the NPC1L1 Inhibitor of Catechins from Green Tea

    Erna Susanti, Ellyvına Setyadini
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.965
  • The Impact of Visfatin Level Against Blood Pressure Among Pregnant Women

    Luh Putu Rinawati, Jannah Sofy Yanty, Aprilia Rakhmawati, Heri Setiyo Bekti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.912
  • Effect of Sociodemographic Factors on the Risk of Postpartum Depression during the Covid-19: Evidence from Tarakan

    Selvia Febrianti, Ririn Ariyanti, Nurul Hidayatun Jalilah
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.629
  • Maternal Parity, History of Obesity and History of Maternal GDM Risk a Macrosomia Baby

    Listyaning Eko Martanti, Dhita Aulia Octaviani, Rizky Amelia, Suparmi Suparmi, Khobibah Khobibah
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.879
  • Preparedness of Emergency Room Nurses After Emerging Infectious Diseases Screening

    Ida Ayu Agung Laksmi, I Made Dwie Pradnya Susila, Made Ani Suprapta
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.892
  • The Relationship between the Knowledge of Third Trimester Pregnant Women and the Implementation of Early Breastfeeding Initiation

    Sri Nurlaily Z, Astin Pulukadang, Puspita Sukmawaty Rasyid , Ummi Kaltsum S. Saleh, Andi Syintha Ida, Hikmandayani Hikmandayani
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.885
  • Bioactive Compounds of the Ethanol Extract of Butterfly Pea Petals (Clitorea ternatea L.) on Gastric Proton Pump: In-Silico Analysis

    Atik Kurniawati, Sri Rahayu Lestari, Fatchur Rohman
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss1.1016